Chili Vision group is very excited to offer a new technology to help fight Dry Eye: PROKERA®. 

What is PROKERA®?

 PROKERA® is a device a bit larger and thicker than a contact lens that is made from amniotic membrane tissue derived from the placenta.  It is known for its regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties which allow it to aid in ocular surface repair.   These natural properties help a damaged eye surface to quickly heal itself without scarring. The tissue used in PROKERA® is donated by consenting mothers after cesarean sections and is rigorously screened and tested to ensure safety and efficacy.   A flexible ring holds the amniotic membrane so that it can stretch and fit onto the surface of the eye. The PROKERA® is like a contact lens and is typically placed on the eye between 2-5 days, depending on the severity of symptoms. 


How Does  PROKERA® Fight Dry Eye?

PROKERA® fights dry eye disease in several ways. Firstly, amniotic membranes have natural anti-inflammatory properties. When placed on the surface of the eye, this membrane can offer immediate relief by reducing inflammation, and can help to create an environment that allows the eye to heal itself more effectively.  Any time the eye becomes damaged, it causes an inflammatory cycle which will only make dry eye worse. Secondly, It helps by stimulating the growth of corneal nerves that have become damaged due to chronic ocular surface disease. This regrowth allows the eye to give better feedback to the structures that regulate tear film production.


Make an Appointment Today

Dr. Lisa Chute at Chili Vision Group is trained and certified to use PROKERA®  to treat Dry Eye and other conditions that could benefit from the treatment, such as corneal scarring, burns, or defects. If you believe that this treatment may be helpful to you, please request an appointment with Dr. Chute for a consultation using the link on our website (at the top of this page), by phone, or in person.

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